Weekly Twitter Round Up

The days of fall are growing shorter while the list of things to do grows longer—funny how that works.  The Twitterverse however never fails to entertain and educate, and so here are a few favourites from the past week. Grab some coffee or hot chocolate and a yummy treat (I baked these Pumpkin Blondies this weekend--yummy!) and check them out. 

Books that go where the iPad can't (yet): Over 1,000 art books @Frieze but how many will there be in the future?

What would it look like if the whole world made a film?

A creepy new site that takes your #Facebook data and turns it into a short horror film

The first 30 days, in photos

Wild Salvador Dalí documentary narrated by Orson Welles! "A Soft Self Portrait" from 1967

"Focus on the funk: an interview with Cornel West" at The Immanent Frame

Judith Butler at Occupy WSP (with echoes of Life of Brian's 'We are all Individuals'!!)